387/2A, Victoria Extension Road,
Thoothukudi - 628002,
Tamilnadu, India.



The clubs are an attempt to develop the personality & character of students. A range of club activities are provided to suit the different age group of the students. This helps to encourage our students to pursue areas of personal interest.

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School


National Cadet Corps is one of the largest organization in India for the youth which conducts many activities like Camping, Trekking, Cultural Programmes, Firing and other activities. The NCC wing of our school has been raising the banner of Holy Cross higher and higher every year. The training programme of NCC helps cadets to build up self-reliance, resourcefulness. We are troop No: 151 comprising of 100 cadets. 52 first year and 48 second year cadets.

Our motto is “Unity and discipline” which we always follow. Parades are conducted twice a week, which starts at 4.30 pm and continues till 6 pm. Each NCC cadet should attend atleast one camp during her two years of training. The following cadets had the rare privilege of attending the Republic Day Celebration at New Delhi and bringing honour to the institution with their Best Cadets awards, rewards, medals and scholarships:

1 Sgt.Jaya Uma.R 2018 Best Cadet
2 Sgt.Joshita Rachel Pushpa. C Second Best Cadet 2019

The Tal Sainic Camp which is meant for the best shooter at school level had been achieved by the following cadets:

1 Sgt.Amrit Mel.L 2019

Our sub-unit functions smoothly with the encouragement of the Headmistress and enthusiastic cooperation of the staff, parents and cadets.

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Junior Red Cross

"Man was not born for himself but for his country.”
The JRC wing of our school functions with the utmost enthusiasm of the children and the teachers. It taps the vibrancy of youth and channelizes their energy in a positive direction.
The mission of JRC is to inspire, encourage and initiate at all times, all forms of humanitarian activities. This has been designed to involve students as much as possible in all activities of JRC.

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Eco Club

Eco Club has been working tirelessly to add up its contribution to improve the challenging environmental conditions. The club members along with their co-coordinators have undertaken various environmental friendly activities like tree plantation, awareness campaigns, seminars etc.
Our young ambassadors follow small steps and also help others to follow the small steps of conservation for a better and brighter tomorrow.

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School


The purpose of this club is to contribute to the development of young pupils in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials as individuals and as responsible citizens.

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Red Ribbon Club

“Prevention is better than cure.”
RRC ensures and creates among the youth a cadre of peer educational for seeking and encouraging positive health behaviour. RRC educates them with correct and adequate information and heightens their level of awareness about HIV/AIDS sexuality and other related issues and helps them identify and understand situations of exploitation and abuse.

Other Activities

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Other Activities

Our commitment to meaningful education is of prime importance. The education provided to the students in school aims at ‘Edu for life’ which nurtures them for a better future and equip them with self confidence, leadership skills and enhancement.
Club activities form a part of the school curriculum. The various clubs offered are in the areas of Science, Music, G.K, Spelling Bee, Quiz, Arts and Crafts and Public Speaking.
There are many benefits that cum along with these activities.

  • Learning time management & prioritizing
  • Getting involved in diverse
  • Learning about term commitments
  • Making contribution
  • Raises self esteem
  • Building solid relationship skills


Holy Cross Anglo Indian School


Celebration is an active state, an act of expressing reverence or appreciation to receive pleasure afforded by an amusing act or a spectacle.

Helping Hands

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Sisters of the Poor

To develop the value of sharing and caring, the little sisters of the poor from Home for the Aged were invited to accept our generous contribution for the welfare of the elderly residents.

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Diabetes Camp

A Diabetes camp was organized by Dr. Sundaram Arulraj Hospital, to create awareness on the effects of diabetes and its complications against the general population. It insisted on healthy eating habits that help to prevent the development of diabetes. Children and teachers participated with enthusiasm.

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Fancy Fete

“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”

Charity is a beautiful trait in the character of any individual; it shows love, meekness, purity, holiness and more than the mere foundation of a Christian; it shows a heart that can feel for another, with love and sympathy.


Holy Cross Anglo Indian School


Welcome to Our PTA, a new family within our school community.

Why do we have a PTA?

We are very fortunate at our school to have a PTA that is such an integral part of the school community. The PTA exists to provide closer links between home and school and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents, students and friends together socially in support of the school working towards a common goal.

Holy Cross School PTA Pack

The Committee

Our PTA committee consists of the Chair, Vice-Chair and the Secretary. We also have Parents’ representatives who make up the full committee.

The PTA meets every term to discuss issues that beset the children. This is also an opportunity for the parents to come along and hear in more detail about the events we have held during the term.

What does the PTA do?

  • The PTA provides various opportunities to parents and teachers to meet on an equal footing and discuss the problems of their children.
  • Another important role of PTA is to help the school community in a wider way by organizing key events in the school calendar like Parents’ Day, Sports Day and other social occasions.
  • The PTA arranges frequent general meetings where parent-teacher consultations are possible in groups as well as individually.

Aims and Objectives of the PTA

  • To promote the welfare of the children adolescents and youth in the home, school and the community.
  • To create better understanding between parents and teacher and a harmonious relationship between the school community and society.
  • To create the necessary consciousness among parents to stimulate their interest in their children and in the school.
  • To work for the improvement of the school with the united efforts of parents, teachers and school authorities.
  • To help parents and teachers to adapt themselves to the changing concepts of society.