387/2A, Victoria Extension Road,
Thoothukudi - 628002,
Tamilnadu, India.

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School


The Parent Orientation programme for all the classes were conducted on the following dates in the school auditorium between 6.00 – 8.30 p.m. 25th June for classes I to IV parents 26th June for classes V to VII parents 27th June for classes VIII to X parents The key objective of this programme is to inform and engage parents in their child’s education journey, fostering a collaborative relationship between parents, teachers and the school. The teachers of the respective classes under the guidance of our Headmistress Rev. Sr. Celine organized the programme. The resource person Mr. A. Devaraj, Head & Asst. Professor – Kamaraj College conducted the sessions on all the three days. His valuable information in bringing up the students helped the parents. This programme was a success providing an opportunity to build a strong partnership between parents, teachers and the school.

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School


The Mass of the Holy Spirit was celebrated on 14th of June. Students and teachers of STD I-III organized the mass in a prayerful and meaningful way. We entrusted this forth coming academic year into the hands of the Almighty, praying that we may be truly led by the Holy Spirit to attain the goals set for this year. Students generously offered stationery items and note books for the poor children.

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

SCHOOL REOPENING - (10.6.2024)

A good beginning makes a big difference. With the blessings from God we began the academic year. The school assembly began with a prayer and bible reading. Rev. Sr. Celine took charge as our new Headmistress. She gave an encouraging and motivating speech to the students wishing them good luck for the new academic year.The school toppers were called on to the stage and were encouraged. The students cheered them for their great achievements.

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

ADORATION (6.6.2024)

Our beloved headmistress Rev. Sr. Celine was keen on conducting this Adoration before beginning this academic year. The presence of the Lord was felt by all the teachers. Father initiated us to thank for all the blessings we have received the previous year and also offered all the events of the forth coming year. We also prayed specially for all the children of our school. At the end Father blessed us with the Holy Water. After the adoration we gave a warm welcome to our new Headmistress Rev. Sr. Celine, promising her that all of us would support her and work as a team for the welfare of the students.

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School


With the blessings from God we began the academic year. The school assembly began with a prayer and bible reading. Rev. Sr. Celine took charge as our new Headmistress. She gave an encouraging and motivating speech to the students wishing them good luck for the new academic year. She announced the results of the Board exams of class X, XI and XII in detail. The school toppers were called on to the stage and were encouraged. The students cheered them for their great achievements. Then the children went to their new classes for another fantastic year of academics.

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School


Mr. E. Liborie Ignatius was the resource person. He introduced himself as a retired teachers, an article writer, motivational speaker, author and a counsellor. Some of his books are “Neruppu Thuligal, Valzhve Vazhipaadai and Self Meditation. His inspiring speech helped us to reflect the following points. The session was very interactive as we had group discussion on the strengths of our school, areas of growth, special dreams and special contributions. The session came to end at 4.30 pm after clicking the group photograph.

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School


“Creation is one of God’s love letters to mankind.” – Romans 1:20 On the 5th of June 2024 the students and the teachers of Eco-club organized the World Environment Day Celebration. The main aim of this event was to increase awareness among students about the importance of the environment and the need to protect it. As a special drive for the World Environment day our Headmistress Rev. Sr. Celine along with the Eco-club students and staff planted few plants in the school premises. Thus the students’ actions reinforced that how our environment helps us in our daily life. Therefore we need to protect it.

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Children’s Day – (14.11.23)

The Children’s Day celebration began with the Holy Mass presided by Fr. Jerosin Katttar. It was a well-planned liturgy by our staff and a good homily too was given. In the afternoon, the auditorium echoed with the cheers of the students. A creative and joyous welcome, a fashion parade with ethical values, fantastic dances and meaningful songs left the audience mesmerized. The prize winners of Talenta competition and Sports and games also was applauded.

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Diwali Celebration – (9.11.23)

Diwali the ‘Festival of Lights’ was celebrated and marked by a special assembly in the school auditorium by lightning the kuthuvilakku and highlighting the message of victory over evil. The auditorium had an ambience of joy and happiness. The students showcased the spirit of Diwali through a skit and dance performance which added exuberance and great joy. The celebration concluded with the message of Sr. Fatima to be a shining light wherever they are placed.

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Bible Day Celebrations – (31.10.23 & 1.11.23)

The first day of celebration was took up by the classes 6-12. The parable of the Good Samaritan was enacted in a very touching way. The life of Esther was acted giving a detailed information about how God uses Esther to save people from annihilation. Fr. Benjamin presided over the celebration on the first day and shared the Word of God. On the second day classes 1-6 presented Biblical characters, action songs and a scene from the Book of Daniel. Sisters Fatima and Helena shared about their experiences of the Word of God. We desire that our students love the Word of God, enjoy reading it and be strengthened by it.

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Fancy Fete – (28.10.23)

The fancy fete was organized to instil in the minds of the students – a heart to share so as to reach out to the under privileged. Fr. Amalraj, our Parish Priest gave a short message and declared the fancy fete open. Teachers ensured maximum participation of the student giving them an opportunity to involve in various activities like Pet shows, games, rides and sale of home-made goods and food stuffs.

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Science SLA – (20.10.23)

To revitalize, animate and juvenate the scientist in young minds the Science SLA was held with Angelin Snow of XII Bio as the chief guest. The children unveiled the success story of the Chandrayan mission through a skit and dance. The enthusiasm of the children were aroused through the quiz.